Friday, 21 September 2007

Sleep Apnea Treatment

As more people with sleep problems are being diagnosed with sleep apnea, the search for an appropriate and effective sleep apnea treatment, continues.It is important to define exactly what sleep apnea is, in order to better understand the sleep apnea treatment options. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that is a condition in which you actually stop breathing while sleeping. For the most part, these episodes are brief in nature and last no more than 10 seconds. Sometimes, perhaps a little longer for the severe sleep apneic patient.How will I know if I stop breathing? In many cases it is the spouse of the sleep apnea patient that becomes aware of your condition. This is due to the loud snoring which wakes up your partner and then they notice that you stop breathing for brief intervals.Other symptoms may include: irritability, constant sleepiness, inability to focus, and headache. You may find yourself suddenly falling asleep while driving your car.Are there different types of sleep apnea? Yes, there are two main types. These are Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Central Sleep Apnea.Obstructive Sleep Apnea is caused when the tissues in the back of the throat block the airway. This usually involves the tongue and or uvulea. It is confined to the blocking or obstructing of the airway by an actual object.Now, Central Sleep Apnea is different. It is the type of apnea that is neurologically-based. This disease is characterized by the brain's signals to breathe being disrupted.Typically, many people suffer from a combination of both Obstructive Sleep Apnea syndrome and Central Sleep Apnea.What types of Sleep Apnea Treatment are available? As with most treatments, the type of treatment available depends on such factors such as medical history coupled with the overall severity of the disorder. Your doctor will usually order a Sleep Study to document your sleep and apneic breathing patterns.Based on the findings, the doctor may recommend changes in lifestyle that included quitting smoking, weight loss and avoiding any drugs that may interfere with the central nervous system. Also the use of CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) device that uses air to keep your airway open may be recommended. The CPAP requires a written prescription from your doctor as it is considered a medical device.Although there is no known cure, Sleep Apnea Treatments can be successfully used to decrease the symptoms of Sleep Apnea. These include decreasing blood pressure, increase in focus, increase in mood and longer-lasting sleep patterns.The first step is to go see your doctor if you think that you have any of the symptoms of Sleep Apnea.

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